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Motivation to Lose Weight - Finding Your Answers to Your Weight Loss Goals
Motivation is the key to every success journey. It guides you to your destination and keeps you moving in the right direction. The trick is knowing what motivates you the most. It is this motivation that will keep you on track and inspired during times of difficulties or hardships. Once you identify your "motivational" sources, you will find it easy to get motivated to lose weight and stay motivated throughout the process.

One trap many people who wish to lose weight fall into is setting unrealistic goals which cannot or realistically be achieved. Losing 20lbs in a week is probably not going to happen, unless you are literally starving yourself. Hard-to-achieve goals will just annoy you and prevent you from reaching the final goal of a healthier and leaner body. Next time you feel bad about yourself over your diet, try to image what it would feel like to achieve that next milestone.
- Identify and Avoid Negative Beliefs - One of the biggest reasons why people fail in their weight loss efforts is because of their negative beliefs about food and weight loss. Everyone has a favorite food, or they have an aversion to particular foods. Try to identify which of these are keeping you from losing weight. If you love ice cream, replace those strong words with "healthy" and "filling". Switch your belief from "losing weight will make me fat" to "I will feel great if I lose weight!" Once you start replacing strong words with positive ones, it will become much easier to resist the temptation to slip into your old habit.
- Role Modeling - Every Successful Person Has a Role Model - You definitely need a role model to motivate you. Unfortunately, not every successful person has a health and fitness magazine, an excellent trainer, or a good friend who also shares your goals and motivates you to keep on trying. It's important to find a role model in the things that you do so that you can become inspired by them. Having a role model will keep you going when the going gets tough.
- Dieting Tip: Doublethink. Most diet tips tell you that you should eat less during the week and more on the weekends. If you follow this advice too strictly, you will be confused, frustrated, and disappointed when you realize that you haven't lost any weight at all. Instead of eating less but eating more, you should think of eating less and still eating more, while making sure that you have an energetic, positive mindset about your diet and weight loss program.
- Learn to Love Calorie Counting - One of the biggest challenges people have when they are attempting to lose weight is because they hate counting calories, even when they are on a weight loss diet. Counting calories might seem boring, but if you are motivated enough to make it a priority in your life, you will eventually get over it and be able to enjoy the delicious foods that you like best. Also, you will learn to value healthy eating and develop a taste for healthy foods. Your diet is one of the most important factors to weight gain; you can't expect to get rid of fat and build muscle without eating right.
- Don't Be Afraid to Change Your Diet - Even when you're on a weight loss diet, you can always sneak a piece of chocolate or a cup of water into your meal. This strategy won't get you much further than the scale, but when you start feeling that diet pressure is starting to affect you badly, it will give you the motivation you need to make that run to the gym the very next day and to stick to that exercise plan as well. Don't be afraid to challenge yourself; giving up chocolate now will get you through your diet in a week, but cutting out water will set you back by a month! Changing your diet is part of setting up your body to be a fat burning machine and when you do that, motivation to lose weight will come naturally.
There are many ways to increase your motivation to lose weight and develop good weight loss motivation, but all it takes is one change of behavior to keep that motivation going. For example, if you want to work out more, it won't mean that you have to purchase more weights and start lifting three times a week. Instead, working out with a friend or a family member may help you stick with your plan better and will allow you to continue doing something you love. With the right motivation, weight loss diet plans can become a success, but you need to have the willpower to keep going until you reach your goals.
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Motivation to Lose Weight - It Is Essential
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