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Does Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

When I was in college and first starting to drink coffee, the professor who taught us that coffee cleans your system, sent us in a box with some powdered coffee in a brown paper bag to our dorm room. This was my first exposure to the famous "I'm going to have a cup of coffee" or "I'm going to have a tea" or "I'm going to have a cigarette" statement. I'm not sure how many times I've repeated those phrases since then and can honestly say that it has become a bit of an urban legend. Coffee is certainly not evil or anything, it's just something that you need to give up if you want to lose weight. Let me explain why. There are several types of antioxidants in coffee, including polyphenols and decaffeinated arginine. Both of these are considered to be good antioxidants. The polyphenols have been associated with preventing cancer while the decaffeinated arginine has been shown to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. So does thi

Motivation to Lose Weight

Motivation to lose weight can be found in all areas of life, not just fitness. In fact, for the best motivation to lose weight you have to ask yourself why you want to lose fat. The first step to motivation to lose weight then, is learning to identify your motivators. You can't motivate yourself if you don't know who it is that you're trying to motivate yourself to. So how do you find the motivation to lose weight?

The most effective way to discover the motivation to lose weight would be to find out where to search. Simply put, there are basically two types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation comes from within yourself, stemming from a personal goal or trait. Intrinsic motivation can be much more powerful than extrinsic motivation, since extrinsic motivation usually originates from a source far outside of the individual. Intrinsic motivation, however, requires the individual to make a commitment to change his or her behaviour so as to achieve the goal.

Intrinsic motivation usually means choosing to do something rather than simply being forced to do it. So the intrinsic motivation for healthy eating is not eating because your stomach feels better, or because you're hungry. Rather, you choose to eat healthy food because you enjoy eating it and you enjoy being healthy. If you're hungry, you might be motivated to eat unhealthy food.

But extrinsic motivation, such as the food you might buy because it 'looks good on you', can actually have harmful effects on your body, resulting in weight loss failure. This is because the underlying motives for choosing these foods are often not healthy, and the fact that they look good on you may be a superficial motivator. When you do lose weight, you will likely feel bad about yourself for causing this and therefore will not choose to eat these foods again for the rest of your life.

Intrinsic motivation needs to come from within, which means you have to identify your own inner motivators. It may be that your natural reaction is to want to look good for yourself, and that is a great way to boost your motivation. Sometimes we crave foods that are not good for us. So if you feel bad about yourself for not eating healthy, then it's a great way to start putting healthy foods into your mouth. You can identify with others who are successful and imitate their habits to build your own self-esteem.

Other external factors, however, also work against achieving your goals. If you're motivated to lose weight but your friends are all fat, there's going to be a conflict over your goals. It's important to set achievable short-term goals that you can accomplish and then work towards long-term sustainable changes. It might be difficult to stick to at first, but eventually the change will be more solidified. It's better to get stuck doing something you don't like than to continue to be miserable.

Finally, when your motivation to lose weight falters, it's important to take a step back and reassess your goals. If your motivation has been worn down by all of the challenges you've faced, assess whether you are still motivated enough to keep going. Take some time out to honestly evaluate how many pounds you have lost. Then take action to replenish your motivation for the slow cooker diet recipe ebook!

All in all, motivation is crucial to reaching your weight goals. You have to make the choices to put your health and fitness first. If you do that, the motivation should be enough to help you reach your goals. The more consistent you are with your healthy eating and exercise, the easier it will become for you to lose weight and keep it off.


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